About Our Organization

Justice for All Organization (JFAO) is an independent registered non-government and nonprofit civilsociety organization based at base on Afghanistan. JFAO provides legal services to people all over Afghanistan to provide gender equity in society. Justice for All organization has a directorate board with 6 members 2 male and 4 female and the executive team includes the executive director, operation manager, Program manager, finance manager, program coordinator HR manager, security officers, and provincial executive team with professional members. 

According to certificate registration number 1137, JFAO the activity was started in March 2008 in Afghanistan and implemented different projects in different provinces from international donors in the field of gender equity and provide basic rights for women and girls in families or society, justice for all organizations try to achieve their goals by implementing and conduct different activities in the province and rural areas to provide women and girl’s rights and gender equity in Afghanistan according to Afghanistan Law. According to JFAO’s Mission and goals, we struggle to eliminate violence against women and girls in families or society by considering the elimination of violence against women Law.


JFAO has achieved its goals by conducting the following activities in society:


Legal aid/legal services

awareness program 

psycho-social service to gender-based violence sufferers

Justice for All organizations will try to provide good and systematic legal services according to society regulations and the Law of Afghanistan while considering the human rights criteria with justice and judicial organs. Although a somewhat new entry in the development arena, JFAO – owing to the linkages of its members with national & international funding agencies – enjoys a diverse portfolio, characterized by partnerships with organizations like USAID, UN-WOMEN, The Asia Foundation, GIZ, The Colombo Plan, KIOS.




Mission Statement

Justice For All Organization aims to strengthen the rule of law by increasing access to essential rights through the provision of free legal services (by different programs), empowering women through vocational and professional trainings and research, advocating for women political participation, building the capacities of women to become leaders, and providing legal education for people. JFAO further aims to seek justice for and improve the conditions of victims of human rights abuses, particularly focusing on the rights of women, children, people with disability, and the indigent.


“We want to see a peaceful, secure and prosperous Afghanistan where the rule of law is respected, where democracy is institutionalized, where all people at all times have access to justice, education, economical opportunities, cultural development, affordable healthcare and political rights; where all humanitarian principles and basic human rights are observed; where Afghan women are equal to men in all aspects, have basic human rights, and feel free to pursue education and career of their choice without facing discrimination or violence.”’

strategic Goal

The strategic goals set below are aligned with Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework (ANPDF). They are also directly aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Targets of SDG 5, SDG 10 and SDG 16 respectively.  

  1. To promote the rule of law by increasing the efficacy of the Afghan justice system;
  2. To improve access to justice and gender equality in all spheres of life;
  3. To empower future female leaders, and protect the rights of people with disability in Afghanistan.


Our overall strategic framework, the rationale and thrust our organization, is underpinned and guided by Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework, the Global Goals, particularly Goal 5 “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”, Goal 10 “Reduce inequality” and Goal 16 “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.”. Our strategic framework, as it appears in the section below, is a set of principles and tools developed internally and often with partners’ assistance to help JFAO remain focused and to eventually become a center of excellence in justice and empowerment sector.